
Bahulu and kerepek factory

The name of the company is Hajjah Kasmirah Munasir, Pembekal Makanan Ringan. The factory has been operating for more than 22 years. The age of the owner is 74 years old. Their main products are bahulu. besides from bahulu, they also produce cookies and kerepek. their production is very good, in one day, they can complete 6 boxes of cookies. in one box consists of 24 jars, and in 1 jar containing 50 cookies.

bahulu blending machine.

bahulu packaging

pineapple tart making

they put the unbaked pineapple tart on a tray before baking it.
on one tray, less than 150 cookies can be placed.

students trying to make the tart

bahulu are placed in the oven seperated from the cookies.

the packaging of bahulu

"ubi kayu"

the "ubi kayu" skin is ripped of before processing it

students ripping of the skins

the products

the "kerepek"

the "ubi kayu" is placed inside a machine where the machine
will process it into being strips.

Hajjah Kasmirah Munasir (the owner)

cookies in a box

the oil drainer

the strips of "ubi kayu" 

the deep frying

the products sold there



the draining of the oils on the
fried "ubi kayu"

the ubi kayu before it was cleaned

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